Introduce the concept of saving to children as soon as they can understand basic money concepts. 

Start early

Start early


Demonstrate responsible saving habits yourself to provide a positive role model for your children. 

Set a good example 

Start early


Utilise piggy banks or transparent jars to help children see their savings grow over time. 

Use visual aids 

Start early


Encourage saving by setting achievable goals and offering rewards when milestones are reached. 

Make saving fun 

Start early


Help children understand the value of waiting and saving for something they want instead of instant gratification. 

Teach delayed gratification 

Start early


Offer chores or tasks around the house to earn pocket money, teaching the correlation between work and saving 

Provide opportunities for earning 

Start early


Include children in discussions about household budgets and expenses to help them understand the importance of saving 

Involve them in family finances: 

Start early


Introduce children to the concept of banks and interest by helping them open a savings account in their name 

Open a savings account 

Start early


Encourage children to save a portion of any money they receive, whether it's pocket money, gifts, or earnings 

Encourage regular contributions 

Start early


Celebrate achievements and milestones in their saving journey to reinforce positive saving habits and motivate continued efforts 

Celebrate milestones 

Start early